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speak up manatee

IEP Roundtable

IEP Roundtable

Who Are We?

   We are a group of experienced parents of students with disabilities, working together with ESE staff toward a positive educational experience.

What is our goal?

   Our goal is to work together with ESE staff to guide you in playing an active role on your child's IEP Team.

What can you do?

   Bring a copy of your IEP, if you have one, and attend our FAMILY FRIENDLY event for discussion and brainstorming.













IEP Roundtable

Monthly meeting open to families that have questions about IEP's. Bring your questions, your concerns, your family, your IEP's or 504's.

We start with introductions, share a little bit about our IEP journeys', then give each guest an opportunity to share a bit about their experience (if they care to.)

One of us talks for a few minutes regarding resources in our community.  There are many more than you might believe.

Generally we have a speaker to discuss a relevant topic for about 15 - 20 minutes. 

Then we break out into one-on-one sessions.  We'll review your IEP, answer questions that you have, or guide you to the person that knows.  We will explain things that seem unclear, and define acronyms that abound.


We all have different experiences, different children, different experiences, but we face a lot of the same challenges.  We have walked in your shoes.

Join us!


Bring your IEP, and we'll be happy to review, answer questions and seek out answers. Family Friendly (okay to bring the kids)

Dates are to be determined.

Follow our facebook page for all the latest:
